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Durian: the smelly but tasty king of fruits
Durian is the king of fruits and the smelliest of them all at the same time. The marmite of the fruit world - you either love it or abhor it!
Durian: the smelliest fruit in the world!

The king of fruits! Durian is known as the king of fruits. Hailing from Southeast Asia, it is claimed to originally be from Borneo Island and it is also believed that the best versions of it can be found in Malaysia. If it’s famous for one thing, it is its smell. Banned on public transport and hotels in some cities, the stench of the notorious fruit is truly something else. However, those that love it, LOVE it! The taste that is almost like a custard like dessert in the form of a fruit. This clash of an overwhelming stench and delicous taste causes much divide…

Here are a few quotes trying to describe this unique fragrance:

“Comparisons have been made with the civet cat, sewage, stale vomit, onions, and cheese.” —The Oxford Companion to Food

“Vomit-flavoured custard.” —The Rough Guide to Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei

“The smell of rotten eggs is so overwhelming. I suppress a gag reaction as I take a bite.” —Robb Walsh, food writer

“Like pungent, runny French cheese … Your breath will smell as if you’d been French kissing your dead grandmother.” —Anthony Bourdain, Chef and Host of Parts Unknown

Reference (and more quotes): click here

At the same time, you’ll find many including some of the above state how delicious it is and how it’s the best thing they’ve ever had! If there’s one thing in the foodie world that divides opinion, it is THIS! Even more so than marmite!

Our experience:

We tried it in a place called SS2 in Kuala Lumpur, home to supposedly the best durian in the world. Here they have the many types and they say Musan King is the best type so we got that. The wife took a couple nibbles and she absolutely abhorred it. I liked it, wouldn’t say love, but it’s pretty good. For me it tasted like creamy thick yet slightly pungent custard. For her it tasted like “what vomit smells like with a mix of onions and custard” (her words). One thing we both agreed on was the smell – once you’ve smelt it, that’s all you’ll be smelling for a while!

As we were trying to hail a taxi to take us there, we were strangely rejected and laughed at by the first taxi driver. He claimed why would you want to go there!?

Durian is everywhere in this part of the world. It’s hard to miss. We saw durian cafes, durian chocolate, durian cakes, durian ice cream. I bought durian chocolate to bring home one time and left it in the hotel wardrobe. The next morning when I opened the wardrobe I got a mighty powerful rotten whiff. Had to dash the chocolate right away.

What our followers on Instagram said:

@thehalal_life: Really enjoyed it when I tried it. This posts actually made me want to find some again.

@thuydi13: Love durian.
@c_mummyfoodblog: Hubby had some in Malaysia and couldn’t believe the smell.
@etfoodvoyage: I am still thoroughly traumatised by my grandpa bringing home a durian one day when I was a kid. I’ll be running as far away as I could whenever i see them 😂 I have friends who love it tho!
@meeks.randomness: I love Durian!!! My fav fruit.
@hangryvore: Omgosh I love this and miss it!
@jchli7: Despite it’s strong aroma, I like durian.
@khadijahali: I tried it once. Never EVER again
@thehalalplug: Haha I love the quotes! I honestly didn’t find it that bad which makes me feel like I need to try it again.
@followdafoodie: Had durian flavoured desserts and candies that I wasn’t a fan of so now I am hesitant to try the actual fruit.
@honoorhoney: Love Durian! Whenever we go thailand or Malaysia we eat everyday. I bought some in London – wasn’t cheap!
@munch_withmary: I’ve tried this! but had a really bad experience 😂need to give it another try tbf.
@halalterians: It’s a no from me but parents like it lol.
@hungrybuns.foodie: Haha I love durian!! It’s funny you used all those sayings to describe it 😂! I feel like people can work past the smell they will think it’s ok 🙃Also SS2 is such a good spot for food. I would say Durian to me is rich and creamy almost like avacado! I can’t really pinpoint the exact taste, but it’s custardy and almost like a garlicky aftertaste. 
@myfoodadventuresdiary: I tried it in Sri Lanka. The fruit vendor opened up and gave it to me straight away, I actually couldn’t smell it. It tasted kinda like solid custard. Not bad but nothing amazing. 5/6 mins later in the car it absolutely reeked and had to throw it away.
@halaltravelandfood: I had it as an ice cream/bingso. I really liked it. It is difficult to describe its taste as it doesn’t taste like anything else that I’ve ever had.
@moonisah_iq: I think it tastes like feet and eggs combine. Sorry I don’t want to cause offence to anyone.
@mich390: Stinky cheese.

Here is Mark Wiens trying out the fruit.

Have you tried the king of fruits? What did you think?

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