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Water Morning Glory: A Taste of Jakarta’s Fresh Delight
Water morning glory is a delicacy in Indonesia that is so good that it became our find of the trip. We absolutely loved it & got it on every possible occasion.
Water Morning Glory: A Taste of Jakarta's Fresh Delight

When exploring Jakarta’s vibrant food scene, you’ll encounter a wide variety of local ingredients and dishes. Among the unique and refreshing offerings is “Water Morning Glory,” known locally as “Kangkung.”. It is also known as water spinach. This aquatic vegetable is a staple in Indonesian cuisine, and it’s cherished for its crisp texture and vibrant flavour. Join us as we dive into the world of water morning glory in Jakarta.

A Refreshing and Nutrient-Rich Vegetable

Water morning glory is a leafy green vegetable that thrives in water. It’s valued not only for its delightful crunch but also for its nutritional benefits. This vegetable is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, making it a healthy addition to any meal.

Versatile Culinary Uses

Water morning glory is incredibly versatile in the kitchen. It can be used in various dishes, from soups to stir-fries. It’s often blanched and served as a side dish or added to salads, lending a pleasant crunch and a mild, slightly nutty flavour.

Popular Indonesian Dishes

In Jakarta, you’ll find water morning glory featured in several local dishes. “Kangkung Belacan” is a popular choice, where the vegetable is stir-fried with spicy shrimp paste. “Sambal Kangkung” is another favourite, featuring water morning glory in a spicy chilli paste. Its mild taste pairs wonderfully with the bold and spicy flavours of Indonesian cuisine.


One of the great things about water morning glory is its accessibility. You can find it in traditional markets, fresh produce stalls, and even in some supermarkets. It’s widely available and affordable, making it a common addition to many Indonesian meals.

A Cultural Experience

Tasting water morning glory in Jakarta is not just about the flavour; it’s also a cultural experience. The joy of enjoying this fresh vegetable in a local eatery or warung (small restaurant) while mingling with the friendly locals adds a special dimension to your culinary journey.

Preparing Water Morning Glory

Preparing water morning glory is simple. It’s usually washed thoroughly, cut into bite-sized pieces, and then quickly blanched. Once blanched, it can be used in a variety of dishes or simply seasoned with a dash of soy sauce, garlic, and chilli for a quick and delicious side.

Water morning glory in Jakarta is a testament to the city’s culinary diversity. It’s a vegetable loved for its fresh and crisp texture, as well as its ability to absorb the vibrant and bold flavours of Indonesian cuisine. Whether you encounter it in a fiery chilli stir-fry or a soothing soup, water morning glory is an essential ingredient for anyone looking to savour the authentic flavours of Jakarta.

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