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South Indian Breakfast you have to try in Dubai
Dubai has an awesome South Indian community and that means awesome food! One of the authentic meals you can experience is the South Indian breakfast!
South Indian Breakfast in Dubai

Idli Vada with Sambar is a typical South Indian savoury breakfast dish. Idli is like soft and fluffy rice cakes. Vada is like a savoury fried doughnut. It is served with hot sambar which is spicy and with coconut chutney which has a unique blend of sweet and spicy. This is such a good breakfast – with one bite you have the soft (idli) and another bite you get the crispy (vada) and dipped into spicy and hint of sweetness is pure joy, comfort and heartwarmingness (is that a word?).

Kaapi or South Indian filter coffee can be seen in picture two. It’s a mixture of frothed milk, boiled milk and coffee. It is usually served in a metal tumbler inside a saucer, which is used to cool the extremely hot drink. You pour it back and forth from cup to saucer until it’s the right temperature for you. India is famous for its amazing tea; this is a little less known hot drink that is popular in Southern India.

Where did we have this awesome breakfast? From a little spot called Chennai Kings. They also do food throughout the day with their Thali being a standout option.

Getting There: 

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