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Rigag: Traditional Emirati Bread from Labeeb Grocery
This will be quite possibly one of the cheapest and most delicious foods you try in Dubai! A true Hidden Gem!
Rigag from Al Labeeb Grocery: The Hidden Gem of Dubai!

Rigag is a traditional Emirati bread that is almost like a crepe (or a dosa). This is something bedouin women used to make in the extreme desert conditions. It is cooked in a special pan over high heat as opposed to in an oven. A true Emirati local favourite that is actually quite hard to find in the Emirates, especially Dubai. Make sure you check out our video of it being made on our Instagram: click here.

Sweet or Savoury?

It comes topped with cheese, eggs, honey and fish paste – all added while the bread cooks. You can get a sweet one which is filled with Nutella and a savoury one which is filled with Omani chips and chilli sauce. The sweet one is meh – you’ll probably like it if you are a big Nutella fan though. The savoury one is delicious! Hands down one of the best things we had on our recent trip. This really really surprised us. To be honest we only tried it because @thealawadhi and @migrationology and other famous food bloggers had tried it. But seriously… this was GOOOOOD! Nice and crispy and amazing flavours from the toppings. Such a great snack.

Al Labeeb Grocery

The best place to try this is from Al Labeeb Grocery. They’ve been serving locals for decades now. One of, if not the only grocery shop that is officially allowed to cook and serve hot food on site in Dubai. A humble institution that has stamped its mark on Dubai in its own way. This is the definition of a hidden gem. I hope you’ll hunt this place out next time you’re in Dubai to give this a try!

I always like to try local food and street food and hidden gems. And even though that’s a little tough in Dubai, it’s not impossible! There’s some real local gems to be found there! This might be right up there as one of the best.

Location: Al Labeeb Grocery – take a Careem/taxi there as it is a bit out of the way. Trust me though it is worth it.

Getting There:

Google Location Link: click here

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