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Mochi waffles: you have to try this in Singapore
Waffles are a craze in Singapore and with that craze there is a lot of creativity and deliciousness on offer, and from them are these unique mochi waffles!
Mochi waffles in Singapore

In the kaleidoscope of Singapore’s culinary scene, where diverse flavours converge, one sweet treat stands out — the humble waffle. But in this island city-state, the waffle isn’t just a dessert; it’s a phenomenon, an art form, and a culinary adventure. We were surprised as to how popular this was in the country. Let’s delve into the waffle wonderland that has captured the hearts (and taste buds) of Singaporeans.

Waffle Evolution

Traditionally, waffles were seen as breakfast fare, adorned with a dollop of whipped cream or a drizzle of syrup. However, Singaporeans, ever the culinary adventurers, have transformed the waffle into a canvas for creativity. The evolution from a simple breakfast item to a versatile dessert has been a delightful journey. Waffles in Singapore are no longer confined to the realms of simplicity. Enter any dessert haven, and you’re likely to encounter waffles that are nothing short of edible art. The grid-like pattern of a well-cooked waffle serves as the foundation for a myriad of toppings and accompaniments.

Unique Flavour Fusions

Singaporeans have a penchant for combining flavours that dance on the palate. Waffles have become a vessel for an array of taste fusions — from classic combinations like strawberries and cream to more adventurous pairings like pandan-infused coconut ice cream atop a warm waffle. The toppings are where the waffle phenomenon truly shines. From fresh fruits to decadent scoops of artisanal ice cream, and even savoury twists with ingredients like crispy bacon and cheese, the toppings are limited only by the imagination of the chef.

Specialised Waffle Cafés

The waffle craze in Singapore has birthed a new wave of specialised cafés solely dedicated to this delightful treat. These establishments curate menus that read like a waffle lover’s dream, offering an extensive array of choices to satiate every craving. Part of the allure of Singapore’s waffle phenomenon is its photogenic nature. Intricately crafted waffles, adorned with a riot of colours and textures, often find their way onto social media feeds. The visual appeal has played a significant role in the popularity of these desserts.

Mochi Waffles

So, from their creative inventions and the current social media hype is mochi waffles. Yup, you read that right. Two dessert classics combined into one. Waffles filled with mochi. Doesn’t sound like they belong together, but boy when you think about it and especially when you try it, you’ll see how well they marry together. We got ours from an artisan Gelato and Tea cafe called 2nd Serving. Check out their instagram page here.

2nd Serving

They have a wonderful selection of waffles and ice cream flavours to choose from that will excite any dessert lover. But we were here for the mochi waffles; something truly unique for us and I’m sure many of you guys too. They do standard mochi flavour, which is probably just a neutral flavour with the mochi stretch and they have two specials too. Pandan mochi waffles are from Sundays to Thursdays and chocolate mochi waffles are Fridays and Saturdays. I really wanted to try the pandan one (partly because I love the pandan flavour and also because of the wonderful green colour) and I thought I had timed the trip perfectly, until I realised once I got there that we had changed our flight to Singapore and got there a day earlier than planned, which meant that we arrived on chocolate day. So, we just ended up getting the waffle flavoured with pandan with standard mochi. How was it? Delicious. They make it to order, so the waffle was nice and fresh. Hot, crispy exterior and soft interior with the gooeyness of the mochi too. Scrumptious. Would I be exaggerating if I told you this might be one of the best waffles we’ve ever had? I don’t think so! It was seriously that good. The unexpected combination was something we didn’t even know we needed, but we did!

Halal status

As with most places here in Singapore, you must check the halal status because not all places are halal and lard is a common ingredient used in sweet and savoury dishes. We contacted them and they have confirmed in writing that their gelato and waffles do not contain pork, lard and gelatine.

Getting there:

Google Maps location link

Edit: according to Google Maps it seems like 2nd Serving have permanently closed

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