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7-11 Convenience Store in Beijing: The Best in The World?
I love exploring and finding unique goodies in foreign supermarkets and 7-11 convenience stores in Beijing China were like no other!
7-11 convenience store in Beijing

For the British readers, a 7/11 convenience store may be alien. And for the American/Canadian readers, a post about a 7/11 convenience store may sound odd. To the British readers – 7/11 is a convenience store like no other especially in East Asian countries like China and Japan. To American and Canadian readers – a 7/11 convenience store in an East Asian country like China or Japan is nothing whatsoever like a 7/11 in your country. Nothing. 

My only experience of an East Asian 7/11 is in Beijing, China. I’ve seen videos and heard great things about the Japanese ones. 7/11 is Asia hits different. Seriously. It is technically a convenience store, but in reality it is so much more. It is a cafe, an eatery, a takeaway, a wonderful world of everything you will ever need (almost), it is a way of life! It literally takes the concept of convenience to a whole another level and nails it! It WILL make your life more convenient from numerous aspects. 

You’ll find all sorts of snacks, crisps, drinks, cakes, sandwiches, sweets, ice cream, hot food items, cold food items, packet noodles, fresh noodles, hot food, cold food, microwave so that you can heat up cold packet food that needs just heating up to eat. You’ll find clothes, accessories, umbrellas, stationery, books. I mean I can really go on, but we’ll be here all night. And usually all within a small little store – you’d wonder how is this even possible.

There are many 7/11 stores around the city – it is very likely you’ll be near one. Conveniently, there was a 7/11 near my workplace and it was actually on my route to work. So, yes, you guessed it. This was a regular if not daily stop for me. Sometimes twice – in the morning for breakfast and then after work for some snacks or even to pick up dinner for later. Sometimes I’d pop in for lunch too! During Ramadan, I would pick some goodies to break my fast with especially on those days I wasn’t going to be going to the mosque. It was a lifesaver! Seriously was. 

This post wasn’t really one to highlight my purchases, I just wanted to bring to your attention the greatness of the 7/11 convenience store. If you ever find yourself in one of these countries, it is an absolute must visit! It’s an experience!! 

I’ve made a separate post discussing my purchases from convenience stores and supermarkets in Beijing including 7/11. Click here to read that.

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