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10 spots on Wilmslow Road Curry Mile Manchester to try
Wilmslow Road Curry Mile in Manchester is famous for its culinary choices, arguably the best halal cluster of restaurants in the country.
10 spots on Wilmslow Road Curry Mile Manchester you have to try!

Wilmslow Road in Manchester is notoriously known as Curry Mile. It gets its name from being the largest concentration of South Asian restaurants in England. Going back decades, primarily Indian and Pakistani curry houses made up the majority of eateries on this road and so locals and non-locals would flock here to dine at such restaurants for that authentic back home taste. Regardless of what day of the week you visit, it is silly busy in the evenings and into the wee hours of the morning. As of late though, there has been an influx of different cuisines including Afghan, Turkish, Egyptian, Mexican, Persian, Syrian, Yemeni and American! I think it challenges some of the best of foodie roads this country has to offer including anything in London. This post is going to round up some of our favourite spots (in no particular order). Let’s go!

1. All Stars 

If it’s American fast food that you want, then look no further. All Stars right in the middle of the road has got a menu to satisfy most fast food cravings. Is this the best restaurant on the road? No. Is it the best fast food joint on the road? No, not with Manchester’s famous spicy chicken burger scene. But it’s a pretty good family friendly spot to dine at if that what you’re feel mid or post shopping.

2. Don Tacos 

Birria Tacos are the most trendiest food items on the scene right now. Thankfully, there’s a few halal spots around that do it too. These guys are one of those who got on the scene early on and they have reaped the rewards. Authentic (a bit gimmicky tbh) interior, but the food is spot on. A really good tasty version of the Birria Tacos. 

3. Pitmaster 

Halal Smokehouses are pretty hard to come by. So, when these guys began their venture they knew the niche was there to be grabbed and they quite impressively did it seems. If smoked meat, brisket and ribs is your thing, then look no further than this joint right here. A bit slow in terms of service, but there’s no skipping on the quality. You will not be disappointed.

4. Saajan 

The place is not fancy, it’s not pretty and it probably isn’t clean either. But they do some really good quality curries – fast food takeaway style. A rustic Pakistani takeaway. Remember the days when food was more important than aesthetics? Yeah, that’s what this place is all about. Our go to order is: lamb karahi hot, chicken daal, aloo paratha, shami kebab and doner kebab (with red and white sauce and salad).

5. Sanam 

This is where you go for a nice Pakistani dine in experience. It is more of fancier affair than Saajan. One you can take your family for nice night out. We don’t come here for the curry though (that’s Saajan), we come here for the chicken patties, potato and meat samosas and their Pakistani sweets.

6. Delhi 

The best Jalebi in the UK. Mark my words. You will not taste a better Jalebi. Come here for your Jalebi. Please do not go anywhere else.

7. Kobeda Place

This is the place you want to come to for grilled meats especially their Kobeda. There are a number of such spots on this road, but our personal favourite is this one. The grilled chicken with rice is also delicious here. A must stop for grilled meat lovers.

8. Cupp 

Who would’ve thought that bubble tea would make it out here on Curry Mile! Well, it has! And there’s a couple of spots. This one, Cupp, from Bristol, but with a few branches near home in London, is one of our favourite bubble tea spots. They make drinking bubble tea guilt free as their version is supposedly healthier (whaaa!).

9. Syria sweets 

If you’re ever near an Arabic bakery or sweet shop, stop what you’re doing and go in! You’ll be welcomed by an array of wonderful sweet treats. From Baklava to Kunafa to our personal favourite Warbat. There’s something for every sweet tooth.

10. Hadramaut 

This is my personal favourite restaurant on the Curry Mile. Technically, it is off Wilmslow road on one of the side roads, so it is easily missed. The very definition of a hidden gem. Ask Manchester locals and foodies and many don’t even know this exists. What do they do? They do good quality authentic Yemeni food. A cuisine that is super hard to find in the country let alone a good authentic version of it. We’ve tasted it abroad and trust me they do it good here.

The following three restaurants we haven’t visited yet, but look intriguing and so hope to do so soon.

Al Masry – Egyptian food.

Walnut – Persian food.

Baity – Palestinian food.

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