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The best drinks to try when in Malaysia
I love exploring the local cuisine when in a country and one fascinating aspect of the Malaysian cuisine is the drinks. This post will showcase the best.
The best drinks to try when in Malaysia

When you’re in Malaysia, one of the best ways to quench your thirst and experience the local culture is through its diverse array of beverages. From traditional classics to innovative concoctions, Malaysian drinks offer a delightful journey for your taste buds. Here are some must-try drinks that will keep you refreshed during your Malaysian adventure.

Teh Tarik

Teh Tarik, which means “pulled tea,” is the undisputed national drink of Malaysia. This robust tea is brewed strong and then mixed with condensed milk. The name “pulled tea” comes from the unique way it’s prepared – by pouring the tea back and forth between two containers from a height. This not only cools the tea but also creates a frothy top. The result is a sweet and creamy tea that’s perfect for sipping at any time of the day. Teh Tarik stalls can be found all over Malaysia, from bustling city streets to tranquil village corners.

Iced Teh Tarik

When the tropical Malaysian heat becomes too intense, an Iced Teh Tarik is the perfect solution. This drink takes the traditional Teh Tarik and chills it to perfection. The result is a cold, sweet, and creamy tea that’s incredibly refreshing. It’s a popular choice among locals and tourists alike, and you’ll find it served in hawker stalls, cafes, and restaurants throughout Malaysia. This one is my personal favourite.


Malaysia’s take on coffee, known as “Kopi,” is a strong and aromatic brew. The coffee beans are often roasted with butter or margarine, giving it a distinctive flavour. Typically, Kopi is served with condensed milk, creating a creamy and sweet concoction. If you prefer your coffee black, you can order “Kopi ‘O,'” or if you want it without sugar, ask for “Kopi ‘C.'” Whether you enjoy it strong, sweet, or black, Kopi is a beloved beverage that’s an integral part of Malaysian culture.


Milo is a chocolate malt drink that has captured the hearts of Malaysians for generations. This energy-boosting drink can be enjoyed hot or cold. When served cold, it’s the perfect beverage to quench your thirst on a scorching Malaysian day. The drink combines chocolate and malt flavours, creating a comforting and familiar taste. You can find Milo everywhere, from local kopitiams to international fast-food chains to a bottled version from a convenience store.

Ais Tingkap

Ais Tingkap is a uniquely Malaysian drink that offers a refreshing twist. So unique, that it can only be found in Penang supposedly from this one stall in Georgetown. This beverage is made from a delightful combination of rose syrup, basil seeds, coconut flesh and jelly cubes, all served over a mountain of shaved ice. The result is a colourful, sweet, and slightly floral concoction that’s incredibly satisfying, especially in Malaysia’s hot and humid climate. Ais Tingkap is a great choice for those looking to experience a taste of local innovation in the realm of cool refreshments.

In conclusion, exploring Malaysia’s diverse and vibrant beverage culture is an essential part of any visit. These drinks not only offer an opportunity to beat the Malaysian heat but also provide a taste of the nation’s rich culinary traditions. Whether you’re sipping Teh Tarik on a bustling street corner or trying the innovative Ais Tingkap, each drink tells a unique story of Malaysia’s rich cultural tapestry. So, don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in these delicious Malaysian refreshments during your stay.

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